There is a hidden cost of keeping what you don’t wear. The ‘Just in Case’ clothes are familiar to us all. You know the ones, the items you rarely wear but can’t seem to let go of ‘just in case’ you wear them again one day. If you are holding onto clothes that don’t make you feel confident or stylish, it’s time to rethink how they might be holding you back.

So WHY do we have these clothes in our wardrobe? Here are a few reasons why:
- Just in case I lose/gain weight
- Just in case I need something fancy, but not too fancy
- Just in case this style comes back in fashion
Sound familiar? These items take up space in our wardrobes and can even make us feel guilty every time we see them. But here’s the real issue—they’re not serving us right now, and they may never. So why are we keeping them? Let’s discuss COST of doing this and HOW to let go.
THE COST OF CLUTTER – When your wardrobe is packed with items you don’t wear, it becomes harder to find the pieces you do love. That leads to decision fatigue—you stand in front of your closet, overwhelmed, thinking, ‘I have nothing to wear,’ even though it’s full of clothes.

THE EMOTIONAL COST – These clothes often carry guilt or stress. Maybe they’re reminders of a size you’re no longer in, or they make you feel bad because you spent money on them but never wear them. Holding onto these items can subconsciously hold you back from feeling confident and in control of your style.
THE OPPORTUNITY COST – By hanging onto clothes you never wear, you’re limiting the space and budget you could be using for clothes that actually make you feel fabulous!
Try this TWO STEP process to LET GO and REVIVE your wardrobe!
- Ask Yourself Honest Questions – When was the last time I wore this? Does this item represent the person I am now, or the person I want to be? If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.
- Start Small – You don’t have to do a massive declutter all at once. Start with one section of your wardrobe, like tops or dresses, and pull out anything you haven’t worn in the last 6-12 months. If you haven’t worn it in a year, the chances are you won’t wear it again.

So, here’s my challenge for you. Take 10 minutes to go through your wardrobe and pull out just 5 ‘just in case’ items that you know deep down you’re never going to wear. Donate, sell, or recycle them—and notice how much lighter you feel afterward!
And if you’re feeling stuck and need some extra guidance, book in your free chat with me to get you started on a journey you won’t regret. It’s time to invest in yourself!