Gift Voucher PERSONAL SHOPPING TRIP + Style Consult + Pre Shop
This voucher will entitle you to a 30 minute Online/ Video Style Consultation and 2 hour SHOPPING TRIP including PRE-SHOP.
#1 Style Consult
Shannon will schedule a Style Consultation where she will get to understand exactly what your needs are and identify how specifically how she can help.
The Style Consultation will be conducted over the phone or a video call.
#2 Research – Pre Shop
Shannon will research the best styles for you based on your bodyshape, colouring, personal style and budget. She will give you a call to go through exactly what you need and work out what you are missing. The Shopping List will be emailed to you prior to the shopping date.
#3 Personal Shopping Trip
A fun shopping experience where you will be guided to styles and stores that suit your personal style and budget
– Teach you how to mix and match
– Offer direct and honest style advice
– Give you confidence to dress
– Give you tips to avoiding impulse buying
– Make your purchasing decisions easy
- On Going Help 🙂
- Personalised Pinterest board
- Shopping List that identifies what you are missing from your wardrobe
Most people face one of two wardrobe dilemmas – a full, cluttered wardrobe with nothing to wear, or an empty wardrobe with nothing to wear.